
HAYNE worked with Sureserve following the success of their CCH® Tagetik Consolidation solution.

About Sureserve

Sureserve is an AIM listed, leading compliance and energy services group that performs critical functions in homes, public and commercial buildings, with a focus on clients in the UK public sector and regulated markets. Their services are delivered through two divisions: Compliance and Energy Services.

Sureserve faced a number of challenges:

  • A lack of integration between previous disclosure management tools with their Financial Consolidation
  • A manual, labour-intensive process for month-end reporting
  • A heavy reliance on Microsoft Word leading to a lack of confidence in the accuracy of data
  • Issues with transparency – who is inputting what

Enter, Collaborative Office

When selecting Tagetik as their CPM platform, Collaborative Office was a key selling point due to the integration with their monthly reporting. As a unified platform, it pulls numbers directly from Tagetik.

Jemma Redmond, Group Financial Systems Manager comments:

“Our previous process was labour-intensive. With a vast amount of statutory reporting required for our 9 trading entities, we were keen to use Collaborative Office to reduce this time-consuming task. The numbers would already be within Tagetik meaning we could automatically pull them through into our statutory reports”.

The seamless integration that Collaborative Office has with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel provided a huge benefit to Sureserve. Their monthly report is now mostly complete as a template, with certain specifics just needing to be changed each month. There is very little manual intervention required month by month which improves the accuracy and confidence in the data. This also applies to the annual financial reports whereby only 2 or 3 tables require manual input which can be rolled forward from the previous year and the rest is pulled in directly from Tagetik.

Jemma continues:

“With the seamless integration with Collaborative Office, we only have to review the data rather than manually writing the data to then be reviewed. As the data pulled in is already in the CCH Tagetik solution, it also doesn’t need as many eyes on it and only needs to be reviewed by a couple of people”.

Collaborative Office has saved Sureserve a significant amount of time as the team can work on the reporting simultaneously. One person can be reviewing it whilst another is updating it as it’s blocked off into different sections. The accuracy is improved and Sureserve can be confident they are all working from one version which is providing them with a single version of the truth.

Assistance from HAYNE

Once HAYNE had implemented the Tagetik suite for Sureserve to alleviate their Consolidation issues, the focus was on providing Collaborative Office to further benefit their reporting.

Jemma continues,

“We provided HAYNE with reports that we needed building and they were able to build these to our requirements. The team was always available when required to answer any questions and alleviate any concerns we had. Just like the previous project, the implementation was seamless and ran smoothly.”

HAYNE was able to set this up for Sureserve due to the single end-to-end platform that Tagetik offers.


Sureserve now has:

  • Amalgamation between Consolidation and Disclosure Management reporting with CCH Tagetik’s end-to-end solution
  • A user-friendly platform for reporting in Collaborative Office that integrates with the familiarity of both Word and Excel whilst simultaneously removing the manual processes of these programmes
  • A simpler reporting process saving time which lessens the stress of month and year-end
  • A relationship between HAYNE and Sureserve that goes from strength


The challenges and issues previously faced by Sureserve have been alleviated by HAYNE with the addition of Collaborative Office to their Tagetik solution. Sureserve can now spend less time building and vetting reports and more time interpreting and communicating the current and future business impact. The strong relationship between HAYNE and Sureserve has also been cemented further with the additional project of Collaborative Office.


Next step, planning, budgeting and forecasting!

Contact us

“We provided HAYNE with reports that we needed building and they were able to build these to our requirements. The team was always available when required to answer any questions and alleviate any concerns we had. Just like the previous project, the implementation was seamless and ran smoothly.”

Jemma Redmond Group Financial Systems Manager - Sureserve