Intelligent Warehouse

A Reliable Solution for NHS Trusts to
Deliver a Single Version of the Truth

More than just a data warehouse

Achieve a Single Version of the Truth
Effortless Waiting List Management
Simplified Reporting
Data Quality and Integration
Advanced Analytics

Addressing NHS Challenges

Outdated Systems
Census Reporting Complexity
Mergers and Multi-System Challenges
Data Quality Issues

How It Works

Powered by IBM Cognos Analytics, the Intelligent Warehouse offers:
Dashboards, KPI Scorecards, and Predictive Analytics
Advanced data integration capabilities for multi-source systems
Tools to clean, summarise, and prepare data for dynamic reporting

Why Choose the Intelligent Warehouse?

Proven Expertise: Backed by HAYNE’s years of experience in delivering NHS solutions

Scalable and Reliable: Built to grow with your trust, adapting to evolving NHS needs

Dedicated Support: Comprehensive implementation and ongoing optimisation from HAYNE’s expert team

Explore the Intelligent Warehouse

Real-World Impact

Customer Case Studies

See how NHS trusts have transformed operations and improved outcomes

Site Visits

Witness the Intelligent Warehouse in action and understand its real-world benefits

Empower Your NHS Trust Today

Reach out to our team for tailored advice and support

Working Days/Hours: Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm
Helpdesk Days/Hours:Monday – Friday 8am to 6pm