Account Reconciliation is a key control step to ensure the completeness and accuracy of all...
Marc Garfield
IBM Planning Analytics with Watson (video) Planning Analytics with Watson helps businesses of all...
LucaNet – IFRS 16 Compliance (video) LucaNet tool for IFRS 16 lease accounting.
LucaNet – How to Consolidate Faster (Video) Do you want to consolidate your financial statement in...
LucaNet – Financial Planning Video Do you want to create your financial plan quickly and...
xP&A – The evolution of Budgeting, Planning & Forecasting
xP&A is the evolution of Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) - Extended Planning...
How mature is your Financial Planning & Analysis process? [eBook]
Understanding where you are, and where you need to be is a key step in moving towards digital...
Mpac invests in CPM software to meet the digital needs of the manufacturing sector
Mpac, a global leader in innovative automation ecosystems designed to help manufacturing...
Marlowe tackle rapid growth and financial automation challenges by choosing CCH Tagetik and HAYNE
Marlowe, the UK leader in specialist services, which assure safety and compliance, took strategic...
CCH Tagetik’s Workforce Planning software [video]
Are you looking for a Strategic Workforce Planning software solution which is...