IBM Cognos is a Ventana Research Value Index Leader
IBM Cognos Analytics is a certified Ventana Research Value Index Leader ― but what does that mean? Ventana scores business intelligence solutions in seven categories. Cognos Analytics was named a Value Index Leader because it scored in the top three solutions across four of seven categories ― more than any other vendor.
Ventana Research projects that by 2021 more than half of all analytics will be generated via embedded analytics.
The Value Index is designed to analyse the overall value that each solution brings to users. While modern business intelligence solutions share certain commonalities on paper, they are differing levels of usefulness to end-users. That’s where Cognos Analytics really shines, and IBM is committed to ensuring that every feature delivers on the promise of excellence in user satisfaction. Available on-premise and in the Cloud, IBM Cognos Analytics lets you deploy the way you want to.
Read the report to get the full spectrum of the findings, as well as how Cognos Analytics leads among the rest of the pack.